Published by Australian Cyclists Party
Safer roads
Better infrastructure
Your voice in Parliament
A cycling-friendly Victoria
Did you Know?
-The cost of operating and maintaining a bike is around 5% of the equivalent costs for a motor vehicle
-Cycling improves your energy levels by 20% and can decrease fatigue by 65%
-On average, the estimated health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks relative to car driving for people who shift their mode of transport
-Compared to cars, each kilometre of cycling reduces CO2 emissions by 0.3kg, which is equivalent to running a 60 watt incandescent light globe for about 5 hours
-Riding a bike delivers economic benefits to the Australian economy of around $1.43 per kilometre. The estimated costs of car congestion are $5 billion per year
-16.6% of the total Australian population has ridden a bike in the last week
-We spend around $700 per person each year on roads for cars but less than $4 for cyclists; a mere 0.06% of the total road-related expenditure and much less than modal share
-Cycling for more than 30 minutes per day reduces the chance of developing diabetes by 40%
Help us create a cycling-friendly Victoria
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