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The OpenAustralia Foundation presents:

Julia Gillard and Susan Templeman - Moving the Blue Mountains forward

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Published by Australian Labor Party (ALP)

Delivered in Macquarie on Sunday, 15 August, 2010 (approximate), during the Australian Federal Election 2010.

Uploaded on Sunday, 29 August, 2010 at 06:31.


Julia Gillard talks about Susan Templeman...

"Susan Templeman will be a strong voice for the Blue Mountains.

Susan is passionate about delivering better local hospitals and schools. She understands that Australia should have a population our environment and infrastructure can sustain.

As a small business owner who is involved in her local community, she knows how to get results.

Susan understands the importance of listening and working hard to make a difference for her community.

Susan will be a strong representative for the Blue Mountains, and an important part of my team in moving Australia forward."

Julia Gillard
Prime Minister of Australia.



Location (approximate)

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