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The OpenAustralia Foundation presents:

Philip Ruddock MP, Member for Berowra

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Published by Liberal Party of Australia

Delivered in Berowra on Sunday, 15 August, 2010 (approximate), during the Australian Federal Election 2010.

Uploaded on Sunday, 29 August, 2010 at 07:12.


Dear ,
We believe this election is about you: it's about your future, your family's future and our nation's future.

But not everyone thinks so.

The Liberal team is taking a different approach. We will do everything we can to secure your future.

I'm asking you to support Our Action Contract for a Stronger Australia to help secure your future. I have included a brief summary. Please take the time to read it.

With your support this Saturday, a Liberal government will end the waste, pay back the debt, stop the big new taxes, secure our borders and, especially, ease the pressures on families ... and we will do this from day one.

Thank you for your time .

Yours sincerely,

Philip Ruddock MP,
Member for Berowra

P.S. I'm asking your to vote Liberal on Saturday to help secure your future and to get things done locally.



Location (approximate)

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