Published by Palmer United Party
Vote 1 Palmer United in the Legislative Council
Put Palmer United in the balance of power
A Message from Clive Palmer
Parliament of Australia - House of Representatives
Federal Member for Fairfax
Federal Leader of the Palmer United Party
Clive Palmer MP
Men and Women of Victoria,
Every election we spin the wheel on our future. No matter who gets in, we always seem to end up with the same problems. Let's fix this and get ourselves a new wheel by voting 1 for Palmer United in the Legislative Council.
Only Palmer United will grow Victoria's economy, bring back integrity to government, support local regions, actually provide strong economic leadership and energise healthy business confidence creating jobs, jobs and more jobs.
Palmer United holds the balance of power in the Australian Senate and is standing candidates in every seat for election to the Legislative Council in Victoria.
Regardless of which party you vote for in the lower house, make sure you vote 1 for Palmer United in the Legislative Council.
Victoria needs common-sense policies. Governments of all political persuasion need to be accountable to the people.
Palmer United will keep the Victorian government focused on making your family's future brighter. If we want good government, we need to send a message to the politicians that you and your family matter.
There is no better way to do that than to Vote 1 Palmer United in the Legislative Council and help me help you to get Victoria back on track
All the best,
Clive Palmer MP
Federal Leader of the Palmer United Party
Member for Fairfax
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